Past in Country T (10)

"You know me?" Li You was surprised.

Gu Lanshi did not answer if he knew her. Instead, he confirmed again, "Are you really Li You?"

Li You admitted, "I am."

Gu Lanshi suddenly laughed, making Li You feel strange. Gu Lanshi said, "I've heard the teacher mention you many times."

Li You's eyes widened. Her tone was even more surprised than when Gu Lanshi called her name just now. "My father mentioned me in front of you many times?"

"Yes." Gu Lanshi looked at Li You sincerely. "Teacher said that he has a very… lively daughter."

Li You immediately understood the implication. "Sigh, you don't have to be so reserved. My liveliness is equivalent to my father's headache. I know all this."

With that, Li You turned to look at her father and asked, "Isn't that right, Dad?"

Li Huaisheng replied calmly, "Yes, I have peach and plum trees all over the world. But I grow a bitter gourd at home."