Past in Country T (23)

At this moment, Madam Di Xin suddenly asked, "Little You, do you have an aunt?"

Li You suddenly opened her eyes. But soon, she slowly closed her eyes again. "Aunt can't donate bone marrow to Mom. She has a weak heart. She can't take such a risk."

Madam Di Xin was surprised. "Your aunt has a heart disease?"


Li You recalled that year. Her aunt had almost entered the ICU because of a cold. This cold had a lot to do with myocarditis.

She said softly, "Myocarditis is also a type of heart disease. Although it's not congenital, and this condition hasn't put any strain on her body over the years, she can't make a bone marrow donation if there's a little problem with her heart."

Madam Di Xin understood this logic. "That's true."

Buzz buzz buzz.

The vibration of her cell phone came from outside. Li You sat up and was about to lift the blanket when Madam Di Xin said, "Just lie down. I'll bring your phone in."