Awakened from the Dream

Pei Jingzhou asked, "Did you make this decision?"

She suppressed the ache in her heart and steadied her emotions as they approached the breach. "Yes."

Pei Jingzhou asked her again, "Is your heart aching for me to run back and forth between the capital and Country T? You're afraid that I'll tire myself out and want me to stay in the capital to rest?"

Li You bit her lip so hard that her lips turned white. Look, at this moment, he would still take the initiative to find a reasonable reason for her. Li You gritted her teeth and replied, "Yes."

Pei Jingzhou said calmly, "What if I don't listen?"

He was testing her bottom line. Testing if she'd change her mind because of what he'd said. Li You said angrily, "Up to you. All I want to do now is stay with Mom."

Pei Jingzhou asked her calmly, "Li You, what exactly do you want?"