Want My Wife to Accompany Me

Youyou ran happily towards Li Xiwu.


"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!"

Youyou shouted a few times.

Even though Li Xiwu was holding Yaoyao in her arms, Youyou was not afraid that she would not have a seat. After running to Li Xiwu, she opened her hands and hugged Yaoyao.

Li Xiwu freed one hand and pulled Youyou into her arms. With the two babies in her arms, nothing could be more satisfying than this moment. Her eyes were filled with gentleness as she reached out and rubbed Youyou's chubby little face. "Did you miss Mommy?"

Youyou pouted. "I really miss Mom. Dad didn't lie to me. He really brought Mom back. Youyou is so happy."

"Mom misses you guys, too," she said.