The World Of Two

Li Xiwu said, "Also, I was angry because I felt that you despised my house, but at that time, I didn't know that it was actually because you didn't like the smell of mutton. It was at that moment of anger that I said that I won't contact you again. My anger subsided, but I couldn't let go of my dignity every day, so I could only look forward to you taking the initiative to look for me every day. I've been looking forward to it—for half a year."

She emphasized the words 'half a year'.

These past events were too long ago. Even if she had already recovered her memories, she would not remember them often. However, from the moment Pei Jingzhou mentioned them just now, many memories appeared in her mind. The images were so clear.

Pei Jingzhou said, "I was also waiting for you to take the initiative to look for me for half a year."

Li Xiwu smiled. "We were both so stubborn. Did someone persuade you to take the initiative to look for me later?"