It's Love

The wind on the beach had died down a lot.

Li Xiwu raised her hand and adjusted the brim of her hat, trying not to block her vision. Behind her, she heard the laughter of Yaoyao and Youyou chasing after each other. She looked back and reminded gently, "Run slower, the two of you. Be careful not to fall."

Youyou replied as she ran, "I won't, I won't… Ouch~"

As soon as she finished speaking, she fell. Youyou faced the beach and threw her hands in front of her, her face covered in sand. Yaoyao was shocked. When he reacted, he immediately helped Youyou up. Pei Jingzhou stood up. Seeing that Li Xiwu was about to go over, he said to her, "Sit down. I'll go take a look." Then he went over first.

They all thought that Youyou would cry. Unexpectedly, not only did the little girl not cry, but she also smiled foolishly. But her smile was full of sand, looking ugly and cute.