Untitled (1)

After getting out of the car, Lin Xingruo almost lost her balance and leaned closer to Shao Jingmo. On the other hand, Shao Jingmo did not pull away from her. From his body movements, it could be seen that he had taken good care of Lin Xingruo.

But this scene was very glaring to Qiao Qiao!! Why did he have to touch her! Didn't he know that he was a married man?!

At this moment, Lin Xingruo looked up and saw Qiao Qiao standing on the steps. She stood on tiptoe and waved at Qiao Qiao. "Sister Qiao Qiao!"

Qiao Qiao's lips curled into a very forced smile in response to Lin Xingruo. Mother Qiao's voice came from beside her. "From afar, Xingruo and Jingmo's temperaments are quite compatible."

"Compatible?" Qiao Qiao answered her own question. "I don't think it's right at all. With Little Uncle's graceful temperament, not many people are worthy of him."

There was a hidden meaning in Mother Qiao's words. "What about yourself?"