A Kiss as a Reward (3)

On the other end of the line, Mother Qiao's tone was unreadable. She only asked, "Where are you?"

Qiao Qiao said, "Outside."

Mother Qiao said, "Where outside?"

Qiao Qiao tried to lie. "Just…"

But before she could tell the lie, Mother Qiao interrupted. "You'd better tell the truth."

Qiao Qiao choked. "At the Tianfang Water Pavilion."

The call suddenly fell silent. Mother Qiao didn't ask anything else for a long time. Qiao Qiao poked her head out and glanced in the direction of the kitchen. It was impossible to go back tonight.

How could she bear to go back now when she had run away from home and used her willfulness to exchange for some alone time?

Fortunately, Mother Qiao did not say that she wanted her to go back. She only asked her, "Have you had dinner?"

Qiao Qiao replied, "Not yet. Little Uncle is cooking now."

Mother Qiao nodded. "Then eat. Come back early after work tomorrow."