I Didn't Let You Down (1)

Qiao Qiao didn't mishear. She heard every word that Shao Jingmo had said. She stubbornly raised her hand to wipe the tears from her eyes and asked him, "Is it because of Miss Wen?" Shao Jingmo did not answer. "Say something. Is it because of Miss Wen?"

Qiao Qiao was very stubborn. The more he pretended to be unfathomable, the more she wanted a complete answer from him. But tears were always disappointing. As soon as they were wiped clean, they filled her eyes again. She raised her hand to wipe it several times. Her eyelids were red.

Shao Jingmo only watched quietly as she wiped her tears. There were no ripples in his eyes, let alone the gentleness that he used to dote on her and love her. It was like a dream that no longer existed.

Qiao Qiao choked and asked a question that made her feel especially embarrassed. "If it's not Miss Wen, then it must be because I've made you tired of me and made you lose your novelty, right?"