He Knows What She Likes (3)

Qiao Qiao was stunned for a few seconds. "Do you like wax dye too?"

Song Yun shook her head. "I don't like it very much myself, but I know you must like it."

Qiao Qiao smiled. "Chief Song, why do you say that?"

Song Yun also smiled. "I also learned from President Qiao that you like wax dye."

The smile on Qiao Qiao's lips faded.

Song Yun didn't notice the change in Qiao Qiao's expression and continued, "This wax-dyed shawl you're wearing looks very familiar. If I remember correctly, it should be the last time I accompanied President Qiao on a business trip to Long City. After his meeting, he specially went to the street market to pick it for you."