A Life for a Life (3)

When she returned home, even though she was very tired, she would still force herself to put on a mask and be a good daughter in front of Father and Mother Qiao. She stepped into the foyer. A clear voice sounded—

"Sister Qiao Qiao." Qiao Qiao looked up in the direction of the voice. Lin Xingruo was running towards her. "Sister Qiao Qiao, congratulations." Lin Xingruo hugged Qiao Qiao and congratulated her sincerely.

Qiao Qiao didn't move and let Lin Xingruo hug her for a while before saying, "Thank you."

Lin Xingruo let go of Qiao Qiao and asked her with a smile, "You just took office today. How do you feel? Is it hard being the President?"

Qiao Qiao replied, "I'm fine."

"Look at how tired you are. I don't believe you." Lin Xingruo took Qiao Qiao's arm and they walked in together.

Qiao Qiao asked her, "When did you arrive?"

Lin Xingruo said, "Uncle came to pick me up around five. Didn't I send you a WeChat message?"