Untitled (2)

Hearing this, the boss and lady boss looked up at the same time and looked in the direction of the voice. They saw a man in a black coat standing at the entrance.

The boss turned to look at the unconscious Qiao Qiao, then at the person standing at the door and asked, "Are you Miss Qiao's friend?"

The lady boss lowered her voice and said, "That attire and that temperament. It's obvious that he's that person Miss Qiao is waiting for."

The boss said, "I think so too."

The man walked over for a few seconds, his gaze lingering on the unconscious Qiao Qiao. As he approached, he leaned over and held Qiao Qiao's face. It was very cold, and her lips were dark.

Worried that something would happen, he reached out and checked Qiao Qiao's breathing. The boss said angrily, "She's just unconscious. I was about to take her to the hospital when you came. You must be the friend Miss Qiao was waiting for, right?"