I Thought I'd Never See You Again (2)

Qiao Qiao's lowered eyelashes moved slightly.

Bai Chen closed the passenger door and walked around the front of the car. He sat in the driver's seat and turned to her. "Shall I take you to relax?"

Qiao Qiao slowly opened her eyes. Her head was tilted to the driver's seat. When she opened her eyes, she saw Bai Chen's smiling face. "Where are we going?"

Bai Chen said, "Country T."

Qiao Qiao closed her eyes again. "I'm not going."

Bai Chen said, "The scenery in Country T is very good."

Qiao Qiao turned her back on Bai Chen. "I'm not going."

Bai Chen smiled and took out his phone to type a message: Help me book two tickets to Country T tonight.

After sending this message, Bai Chen took Qiao Qiao's bag from the backseat and found her ID card. Then, he edited his and Qiao Qiao's ID cards and sent them over.

The other party quickly replied: Young Master, the fastest flight to Country T in Xingzhou is one.