You Love Me Very Much (1)

Qiao Qiao threw herself into Shao Jingmo's arms and cried for a long time. He didn't change his posture, and his face was expressionless. He just held her and let all her tears wet the clothes. He was surprised that he didn't mind, so he fell silent and thoughtful.

Bai Chen listened to Qiao Qiao's cries from the side and felt especially heartbroken. In the end, he couldn't stand it anymore and reminded him, "At least coax her. Are you going to let her cry until the end of time?"

Shao Jingmo looked at Bai Chen expressionlessly.

Seeing that Shao Jingmo did not react, Bai Chen said helplessly, "Do you know how she has been living every day since you disappeared? She needs you to comfort her very much now. If you don't coax her, she will cry until her brain lacks oxygen and faints!"

The nurse also looked worried. "She's too agitated. It's better to calm down as soon as possible."