It's Her Who's Sweet (1)

Pei Jiao silently got up from Wei Yu. In this situation, no matter what, it was better to run first!

Ignoring the pain in her teeth, she stopped patting the grass off her body and turned to leave. But before she could take two steps, she was grabbed by the back of her collar by a hand coming from behind.

Then, Wei Yu's cold voice asked her from behind, "Where are you going?"

Pei Jiao gritted her teeth. She had been careless. After pretending for so long, she was used to being mute. Why had she exposed herself today? Pei Jiao shrank her neck, indicating for Wei Yu to let go first.

But now Wei Yu didn't believe her. He grabbed the back of her collar and pulled her back. His strength caught her off guard. She fell back and leaned into his arms. Pei Jiao froze and even stopped breathing for dozens of seconds. After a long while, she slowly turned her head.