Thinking They're Dating (2)

He followed Pei Jiao and walked beside her. "I heard that you couldn't speak when Wei Yu picked you up."

Pei Jiao said, "My vocal cords were damaged. I'm fine now."

Ji Qingzhou asked, "When did you recover?"

Pei Jiao said, "Recently."

Ji Qingzhou said, "I heard that you couldn't contact your family because you couldn't speak previously. Have you contacted your family now?"

Pei Jiao suddenly stopped and turned to look at the man following her. "I haven't seen you in the base for almost a month, but you're very familiar with me. Are you paying attention to me?"

"I didn't deliberately pay attention," Ji Qingzhou explained. "I heard Wen Qiong mention you. I can tell that Wen Qiong likes you very much because she always mentions you in the laboratory."

It's Wen Qiong…

That was nothing.