Wei Yu Heard It! (2)

Wen Qiong went to the door and gently closed it. "Wei Yu might be back soon." After closing the door, Wen Qiong turned to look at Pei Jiao. "Fei Yi… Oh no, Miss Pei, is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

Pei Jiao's pupils constricted.

In the past month or so at the base, she had been careful, careful with her words and actions. From being spoiled and domineering at the beginning, to being able to restrain herself now, she thought that she had definitely not exposed herself.

However, if she really accidentally exposed herself without her knowing, Wei Yu would definitely be the first to know because the closest person to her was only Wei Yu.

But now, Wen Qiong, who could only be considered her friend, had caught her off guard when she called her Miss Pei.

"Are you surprised to hear this, Miss Pei?" Wen Qiong walked towards her. There was no questioning tone. Her voice was gentle, and the smile was still on her face.