Taking the Initiative to State Your Identity (2)

Pei Jiao's tone became more and more serious. On the other end of the line, Beike's expression was also very solemn. "You'll die?"

Pei Jiao: "…".

Beike hurriedly asked, "Is your place inside or outside the country?"

"I don't think I left the country…" Pei Jiao was not too sure. She had always thought that this base was on the border of the capital. Moreover, it was not far from the place where she had followed Wei Yu.

But that day, standing on the tower, she realized that she couldn't see any highway at a glance. There were only mountains. If Wei Yu hadn't pointed her in the direction, she wouldn't have known which road was coming here.

When Bei Ke heard Pei Jiao's uncertain tone, he seemed to have thought of something and asked worriedly, "Don't tell me you were sold to Southeast Asia? That place is a hell where even Sun Wukong will be slapped twice. If you're sold to that place, you can only be careful in your next life."