Cohabitation (3)

After saying this, she walked forward angrily. Her footsteps were fast, but this time, Wei Yu did not chase after her. He only walked silently behind.

In the end, it was Pei Jiao who gave in first. She turned back. "Alright, you might leave me. After all, I was the one who wooed you first. That saying is right. The one who loves the most between two people is the easiest to lose. I can afford to lose. It's fine."

Wei Yu's expression darkened. "Your liking for me is so passionate. I often wonder how long this enthusiasm can last."

Pei Jiao sensed that something was wrong. "You…"

"I didn't find you this morning," he said suddenly. "When I opened the door and went in, there was no sign of you anywhere. No matter how much I called out to you, there was no response. I thought you'd disappeared."

Pei Jiao smiled. "I don't know magic. How can I disappear… Hmm…"