The Lowly Wei Yu (3)

Pei Jiao: "…".

Didn't she lose that cell phone halfway?

It was because she was worried that there was still a location on the phone, but she had clearly throw it halfway through. How could the location still appear? No… At that time, she did not have the strength to walk anymore. When she fell to the ground, she threw the phone aside. Beike rushed to carry her back to the car, then seemed to turn back…

Fuck! Don't tell me that guy picked up the phone again?

As she was thinking, Wei Yu's magnified face suddenly appeared in front of her. Before Pei Jiao could react, Wei Yu had already cupped her face and kissed her.

When Pei Jiao reacted, she immediately pushed him away. The rejected kiss disappointed Wei Yu. He asked, "Fei Yi, don't you like me anymore?"

Pei Jiao said without hesitation, "I've never liked you."