She Wants to Be Engaged

After knowing that Pei Jiao had returned home, Pei Jingzhou returned from the company early. Stepping into the living room, Pei Jingzhou asked with a dark expression, "Where is she?"

Uncle Dong walked forward and said, "Miss is in her own bedroom."

Pei Jingzhou went upstairs with a dark expression. When he reached Pei Jiao's bedroom door, he did not knock and shouted, "Pei Jiao, come out!"

A few seconds later, the bedroom door opened a crack. Pei Jiao could feel her brother's anger through the door. But thinking about it, it made sense. She had disappeared for more than a month, and there had been no news of her during this period. She only asked Beike to help her tell her family that she was safe.

Pei Jiao smiled ingratiatingly. "…Brother."

Pei Jingzhou looked coldly at Pei Jiao, who was in the crack of the door frame. "Come out."