
The motorcade headed for the hotel.

The first car was the Pei family's car. Pei Jiao and Qin Zhuoning sat in the second car.

Ever since they got into the car, Qin Zhuoning had been carefully tidying Pei Jiao's feather skirt. Pei Jiao was very embarrassed. "Brother Zhuoning, get someone to follow behind me and help me tidy my skirt later."

"There's no need to ask someone else to do this." Qin Zhuoning had already tidied up his feather skirt and looked at her gently. "As long as I'm here."

Pei Jiao thought about rejecting him. At this moment, Qin Zhuoning said, "It's more convenient for me as I'm closer to you."

He had a point, so Pei Jiao did not refuse again. The car drove on the wide road, still a distance away from the hotel. Qin Zhuoning knew that Pei Jiao had woken up early today. Although she had spent some time choosing a gown, her face was visibly tired.