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When Pei Jiao woke up, she realized that her limbs were tied up. Her vision was dark and she could not see anything. It was still unknown what kind of environment she was in. She tried to curl her knees and found that she couldn't move.

"You're awake!" A strange man's voice came from straight ahead.

Pei Jiao slowly raised her head. Although she could not see anything, her intuition told her that she was looking in the direction of the man.

Pei Jiao found this voice vaguely familiar. But she couldn't remember where she'd heard it before.

Until the man spoke again—

"Don't be afraid. In my hands, you're either safe and sound, or you're safe and sound." The man's tone was mixed with a hint of frivolity as he slowly leaned in front of Pei Jiao. "Now, I have good news for you. As long as you cooperate with me, the chances of you being safe and sound are higher!"