Don't You Dare Touch Her!

Beiyang received a report from his subordinate that Wei Yu's condition had improved since the day before yesterday.

"His condition has improved…" Beiyang pushed the experimental data in front of him away and took the metal box. He took out a cigar and held it between his fingers. "Ever since I brought him to Xingzhou, he has been acting like he's on the verge of death every day. Even if I kill him immediately, he won't resist. Who has come into contact with him recently?"

Martin took out his lighter. There was a click, and the ghostly blue flame gathered. "The defense system has indeed been acting strangely for the past two days."

"My stupid brother is here?" Beiyang bit the cigar between his teeth. The cigar was lit, and a strong smell of truffles quickly filled the air. It was mixed with the smell of coffee and nuts, smoothing every nerve.

Martin put away his lighter. "Boss, we're investigating now. We're not sure if the second young master did it yet."