Blood Fountain

Shan Yue was in a good mood at first. She thought that since this group of stupid killers had come to find her because of their grudge with the Zhou family, she could not do something as thankless as helping the Zhou family resolve their troubles. It would be best if she kicked the trouble back to the Zhou family.

But now, this guy actually dared to point a gun at her head and threaten her. No matter how patient and temperamental Shan Yue was, she could not tolerate it anymore.

"I have no grudge against you, and I can't be bothered to get involved in your grudge with the Zhou family. I've already explained it, but you still want to kill me. Tsk, do you think you've lived too long?" The smile on Shan Yue's face slowly disappeared. She actually ignored the life-threatening pistol in front of her and stared coldly at the man in the lead. It was as if she was looking at a lifeless corpse.