What The Hell

"Now that I think about it, she's quite impressive. I quite admire her."

"That's right. Look at how this young lady is training and stretching. She looks very disciplined."

"Her force delivery position and posture are very standard, and her muscles are quite good-looking. She must have been guided by a professional master."

As soon as the conversation started, the bodyguards could not help but discuss it. They all expressed high praise for Shan Yue's habits and training results.

Suddenly, someone realized that something was wrong and exclaimed, "Damn, where is she?"

Everyone was so excited from chatting that they were actually distracted. When everyone looked at the flower bed where Shan Yue was just now again, they saw that it was empty.

"How is that possible! I just saw her stretching her legs there. How did she suddenly disappear?"