Past Idol

The bodyguards he had sent to protect Shan Yue were actually used by her as a laborer? Zhou Xuan was angry and amused. He rubbed the space between his eyebrows helplessly.

"Since she has already said so, let's listen to her." Zhou Xuan waved his hand, indicating for the secretary to leave.

Previously, he had thought that this little girl, Shan Yue, was just a little smart. He did not expect her to have such a cunning and witty side. She was not afraid of anything. Not only did she coax the bodyguards he had sent over, but she did not even take the killers who might take her life and the Zhou family, who had a huge business, seriously.

This was definitely not a child raised by an ordinary poor family. He did not know what Shan Yue had experienced to be so carefree and fearless. Zhou Xuan was immediately curious. At the thought of this, another name couldn't help but appear in Zhou Xuan's mind. Ling Yue.