The Correct Answer

At that moment, Lin Xiao was participating in an academic conference. After saying goodbye to a few familiar professors, he casually swiped his phone and saw a popular post with four pictures. He clicked on it curiously. He wouldn't have known if he hadn't seen it, but he was shocked when he saw it.

The contents of the four pieces of draft paper were the problem that he had been asked by a few old professors to publicly seek answers from the entire world!

Lin Xiao read it seriously for a long time. The first half of the content was exactly the same as the result he had painstakingly calculated. As for the second half, he and the few professors who set the questions did not understand it, let alone judge it right or wrong.

"Ah!" Lin Xiao suddenly shouted. He had a strong premonition that the four pictures sent by this person were the answers they had been searching for.