Apologize to the Teacher

"Moreover, if I didn't hear wrongly, that teacher didn't see my paper at all just now. May I ask if Ms. Li secretly did something to my paper?" Shan Yue added.

"I didn't tamper with it at all. I just realized that you cheated and took out your paper alone!" Ms. Li quickly retorted.

Shan Yue pressed on step by step. "There's no evidence at all. Yet you're saying that I cheated. Is this what you should do as a teacher? Besides, what right do you have to seize my test paper?"

"Because I'm the dean. So what?" The dean standing behind Ms. Li shouted.

At the same time, Ms. Li echoed, "Who doesn't know that Shan Yue will always only score single digits in the exam and always be the last in the school? Now, she suddenly scored full marks all of a sudden. Even Li Xu, who has the best grades, can't score full marks. Who would believe you? It's obvious that she cheated to achieve good results. Do I still need evidence?"