Prettier Than the School Belle

"In this monthly exam, Shan Yue, a third-year student, was awarded a zero because of Ms. Li Juan's mistake in marking the paper. After the teacher of the grade group re-evaluated the paper, we determined that Shan Yue's actual results were full marks of 750 points. Her results were real and effective, and there was no cheating."

The principal's voice was still ringing on the radio, but the students in the various classrooms were already excited.

"Shan Yue scored full marks of 750 points? Did I hear wrongly?!"

"The Shan Yue who used to always be the last in her grade? Are you sure there's no one else with the same name?"

"So the rumors I heard this morning are all true! Shan Yue wrote her full-marks papers herself. The principal even came out to clarify!"

In Shan Yue's class, the students all turned around and looked at her with all kinds of shock, admiration, and curiosity.