Saving the Fainted Elder

Shan Yue only sighed for a moment before quickly leaving the bank. She prepared to find a place to stay for the time being and wait for the trading time at night. Just as she left the bank and wandered the streets in boredom, looking around for a place to stay, the crowd in front of her blocked her way.

"Call an ambulance to pick him up! This old man is obviously dying!"

"There's been a car accident at the intersection nearby. The ambulance can't get in!"

"Oh no, the old man's aura is getting weaker and weaker!"

"Is there a doctor nearby? Help!"

An old man with gray hair and wearing a coffee-colored windbreaker and glasses was lying on his back on the ground. His limbs were stiff and he was speaking incoherently. His eyes had gradually begun to roll back.