Don't Come and Join the Fun

Shan Yue shuttled through the crowd in the casino. Many people were inviting her. "Young lady, do you want to come and play?"

She ignored him and walked straight ahead. She went to a small door at the side and knocked skillfully three times. A small window opened on the front door and a head poked out. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm here to buy some medicine." Shan Yue was familiar with the way. She knew that this was Huang Ruo's usual method.

Seeing that she was especially experienced, the man knew that she must be an old customer, so he opened the door and let her in.

Inside was a long passageway. Shan Yue walked all the way through this dark passageway and entered a large room. Who would have thought that there was actually another world inside a casino? It was completely different inside.