A Sure-Bet

When Sun Ling saw Shan An's curious expression, she was immediately unhappy. "I've been cooking for so long and am about to starve to death. You're useless and yet you're standing by and watching. Hurry up and bring the dishes out!"

Shan An did not dare to ask anything else and quickly brought out all the ribs and meat from the kitchen.

At this moment, Shan Yue and Shan Chen also walked out of the room. Looking at the table full of good dishes, the two of them looked at each other and did not say anything before sitting down.

"There's good news in our family every day. It's the best thing for me to give birth to these two outstanding children." The two outstanding children Sun Ling mentioned naturally did not include Shan Yue. Shan Yue was already used to such a scene. She picked up her bowl and ate her food silently without saying anything.