Number One in S City

After Han Ye went out, he secretly sent a message to Han Lin. [Dad, this matter is settled!]

After the three of them left, Shan Yue called Shan Chen, who had just finished school. "Shan Chen, don't go home at noon. I'll bring you out to eat." After ending the call with Shan Chen, Shan Yue went to the front desk and asked for two signature dishes. She returned to her seat and waited for her brother to come for lunch.

After the two of them returned home, they were busy with their own matters. Unexpectedly, Sun Ling and her daughter returned unusually early today. Usually, the two of them would only reach home in the middle of the night.

"Mom, why are you back so early today? Was the matter of Shan Xing's school settled?" Shan Chen put down his work and came out to welcome the two of them.