
"It's okay. Don't be so nervous, I know that. But it's not like there's no one who can compete with the organization. I'm enough alone." Shan Yue's eyes were filled with determination, and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

"As for your explanation, I don't want to hear it either. You should know that once Green Oriole comes out, it can't be taken back without blood." With that, Shan Yue rushed forward and raised the tip of her knife to point at Scorpion.

"Don't kill me!" Scorpion shouted with a pale face. Out of instinct, she grabbed the person beside her and blocked the knife for her. Only Yan Huo was left at a loss.

As the tip of the knife was pulled out, a mouthful of blood spurted out of the mouth of the companion. In a few seconds, that person stopped breathing.

"You're really the same. You're also afraid of death." Shan Yue turned the tip of her knife and slashed past Scorpion's eyes, pressing forward step by step.