The Future of the Family

To his surprise, it wasn't over. Victor poured the remaining drop or two from his glass directly over his head. After feeling the water droplets above his head, Carter didn't hesitate. He raised his hand and punched Victor in the face.

After Victor fell to the ground, the sound of the table knocking over attracted everyone's attention. Coincidentally, Peter was helping Charlie Smith down the stairs when he saw him punching someone.

A thin smile immediately curled the corners of Victor's mouth as he fell to the ground, but it quickly faded.

"Carter, what are you doing?" His father frowned, his eyes cold. "Why did you hit your big brother?"

Carter quickly opened his mouth to explain, but he was interrupted by Victor. "Father, don't blame him. It's my fault." Victor's tone was slightly dull. "I said something wrong and provoked him. I accidentally knocked over my glass and spilled it on him. That's why I was punched. I asked for it."