Other Reasons

"For whatever reason. I helped you out of my own free will. There's no reason for it."

Zhou Xuan said calmly, "At that time, I only did what I should do as a man."

"What if Victor did shoot you then? Have you thought about the consequences?"

Zhou Xuan's cold eyes paused for a moment. "I haven't thought of the consequences, but I bet he won't shoot."

"Since Young Master Zhou has said so." A smile appeared on Shan Yue's face. "Then I can only say that helping you is what I should do."

Perhaps Zhou Xuan would never have dreamed that the reason was because of one of his actions.

Before he could continue, Shan Yue turned around and opened the door. Her side profile was revealed under a few strands of long hair, and her exquisite and beautiful face appeared in Zhou Xuan's eyes. Her red lips curled up slightly. "If you really want to thank me, thank yourself."