Be Her Assistant

"Everyone has been following me since the construction of the mercenary group." Ye Ying's tone was very serious. "Actually, to be honest, if it weren't for Shan Yue back then, I wouldn't have everything I have now. So now that she's in trouble, I'll definitely help her. If any of you are unwilling, you can choose to quit as soon as possible."

"No problem, boss." Chang Ling's tone was impassioned. "No matter what choice you make, we will follow you to the death."

When the others heard this, they agreed and nodded in greeting.

"Since no one has any problems." Ye Ying's eyes flickered with restrained joy. "Elder Lin, transfer the best team from your security department to follow me. Chang Ling, you're meticulous and thorough. When we reach the Federation Central City, you'll be in charge of following Shan Yue and being her assistant. You'll do whatever she tells you to do."

"Boss, if I become President Shan's assistant, who will listen to you…"