Easy to Deceive

"Hahaha, Xi Feng, we're all old friends. How can I harm you?" Ye Ying half-jokingly said, "She's indeed my old friend. This time, it's not a child's fight. This is really a big matter that can change the business situation in the central city of the Federation."

Xi Feng's eyes were still filled with disbelief. "I hope it's really as you said. What you handed me isn't a child's play. Don't waste my time after I rush here this afternoon."

"Of course we won't disappoint you this time." Shan Yue, who had been silent at the side, also spoke. "We've investigated that the head of the Tang Corporation, Tang Li, is involved in the smuggling of firearms. Moreover, we already have enough evidence in our hands. This is a winning lawsuit. It's just that inviting you here is an additional guarantee. However, not only do we want to take down Tang Li, but we also want to annex the Tang Corporation. I wonder if Lawyer Xi has any brilliant ideas in this regard?"