Jailed For Life

"In that case, Tang Xia's real intention in calling me is to let me cover up Tang Li's crimes so that she can be released from prison as soon as possible. Then, he really found the wrong person. Putting aside the question of whether doing this will violate my principles, just based on the lawsuit between you and him, as long as you say the word, I definitely won't help him."

"With your words, I feel more confident." Shan Yue's brows were slightly relaxed. The entire matter was still under her control. "However, I still have a question in my heart. Can Tang Xia really bear to see his daughter go to jail for a few years? Even though he asked you to help reduce the crime, Tang Li will still go to jail for two to three years in the end."

"Could it be that Tang Xia used his daughter in exchange for the future of Tang Corporation?"

"What I didn't expect was that in Tang Xia's eyes, the Tang Corporation was actually more important than his own daughter."