The Truth Always Come Out

As soon as she finished speaking, the Tang father and daughter subconsciously frowned. They had a bad feeling. They took the phone from Shan Yue and looked at each other before opening the video.

What came into view was Tang Li and her assistant commanding the loading and unloading of the firearms at the port. The video clearly captured their faces. Now, they had confessed even if they didn't confess.

"How is that possible? How can you have such a video? Every time the port transports goods, I clear everyone there in advance. There's no chance of catching me."

Tang Li held her phone tightly with one hand. The expression on her face gradually turned from confusion to ferocity. "Did you already guess that I would find someone to take the blame, so you deliberately didn't take out this video to crush me at the last moment? How about it? You'll achieve your goal in the court hearing later. Are you happy?"