The Best Ending

Tang Li could not calm down for a long time. She could not believe what was happening in front of her, nor could she believe that she had lost so completely.

Tang Li stopped talking and sat beside her father silently.

Tang Xia, who had finally recovered, shielded his daughter behind him. He had heard everything Shan Yue had said just now. Compared to his daughter's youth, all the benefits in front of him were not worth mentioning.

At this moment, Tang Xia displayed the responsibility that a father should have. He, who had already laid out his cards with each other, was not afraid at all. He straightened his back again.

Since he no longer had the shackles of money and fame in his heart, Tang Xia exuded an oppressive aura. "As long as you're lenient and don't hand over this evidence to give her a way out, I can agree to your conditions. I think this should be the best outcome for both of us."