My Duty

Shan Yue quickly said in a conciliatory tone, "Actually, everyone's luggage was carried up by themselves. It's been hard on everyone, so let's not fuss over such a small matter. Now that the four of us in our dormitory are here, everyone will help each other in the future. We will definitely have a happy university life."

However, Tang Hui, who was at the side, did not appreciate it. She was already used to living a pampered life in the Tang family. She could not stand this grievance when she came to school. "Who are you? You make it sound so nice that everyone helps each other. Others might not be able to tell, but I can tell what you mean. In fact, you're criticizing me. You're not the person involved. What right do you have to say anything here?"

"I'm also from this dormitory. My name is Shan Yue. You misunderstand me."