Xu Lu's Apology

However, no matter how the two of them confronted each other, Xu Lu used the excuse of firmly believing that this Ferrari was not Shan Yue to stall for time and refuse to fulfill the bet. She even insisted that Shan Yue was just a person who knew how to cheat and was not worthy of being compared to her.

Even the other students who were watching started to criticize Xu Lu for not keeping her word. However, since someone in her family was the dean of the school, everyone only dared to discuss softly in private.

At this moment, a horn suddenly sounded behind everyone. As there were more and more onlookers, everyone had already blocked the way. When they heard the sound, they consciously dispersed and made way for the passing cars.

However, a few sharp-eyed boys quickly realized the problem. The car that wanted to pass was not simple.

What kind of special day was this? There were suddenly so many expensive cars in school!