The Secret of the Haunted House

Not only was Shan Yue's question perfectly resolved by Pang Shuo's answer, but he even took the opportunity to praise himself.

Zhou Xuan fiddled with the jade ring in his hand and said disapprovingly, "Doesn't the Federation City send out an allocation every year? The amount is at least tens of millions. If we distribute it to every village, it will be a few million. After so many years, why is it still so dilapidated? This amount of money is definitely enough to renovate the entire village."

Before Pang Shuo could answer, Zhang Luo smiled slightly. "That's right. This money is distributed by our Capital University every year, and I'm the person in charge of distributing it. As the president of the Education Association, Village Chief Pang should be the person in charge of receiving it. I wonder how this money has been used all these years. Have you recorded detailed accounts?"