No Return

"But," Shan Yue did not stop here. Instead, she instilled her emotions into it, filled with infectiousness. "What I care about the most is still that fake promotional video. According to Pang Shuo, the people of Pang Village want to lighten our burden and rely on their own efforts to change their lives. However, this is definitely not realistic. I would believe it if someone else thought that way, but it's impossible for everyone in the village to think that way. Human desires are like a black hole that can never be filled. It's endless. They can't make themselves rich relying on the current environment of Pang Village. There's only one explanation left. Their desires have been satisfied, so there's the subsequent publicity."

After hearing this, Zhang Luo could not help but feel suspicious. "Then if all of this was really done by Pang Shuo, where is the extra money now? How did he deal with it? To them, it's not a small sum."