A Troubled Place

"That's right, Village Chief Pang. Why? Is it strange for me to go out? Or can't I go out at night in the village?"

Pang Shuo hurriedly revealed a smile and his eyebrows slowly curled up. "Look at what you're saying. You're our esteemed guest. You can go out if you want. Who dares to stop you? It's just that it's not safe to travel at night in the village. I'm just worried about you. If anything happens to you in the village, our entire village will be finished."

Shan Yue nodded slightly. "Thank you, then. Nothing happened to me."

When Pang Shuo turned around, he narrowed his eyes and immediately frowned. He had clearly instructed that if any of the three of them did anything, be it going out, going somewhere, or seeing anyone, they had to report it to him. But Shan Yue had gone out, and he actually did not know. A bad feeling arose in Pang Shuo's heart.