Destroying the Corpse

After watching Ye Ying take the injured Zhou Xuan, Shan Yue instructed again, "You have to be fast. You have to save him. I stopped his blood with a silver needle first, but it's been more than two hours since his accident. It's really too late to delay any longer."

Ye Ying's heart finally calmed down when he saw Shan Yue. "I understand your words. Come with me. I'm worried about you staying here alone."

"No, I can't leave yet. The ten people who came together haven't escaped from their predicament yet. Everyone inside has the ability to protect themselves. But not Zhang Luo. If anything happens to him, I won't be able to answer to Grandpa Zhang."

Shan Yue's cold side profile carried a cold aura. "Then there's Pang Shuo's sneak attack, I must avenge Zhou Xuan. I can't let him get injured for nothing. Otherwise, letting them go to jail like this will be letting these people off too easily."

Ye Ying said, "But, you're alone…"