
Seeing this, Tang Hui smiled in satisfaction. She had achieved her first step and shook Xu Lu's outstretched hand. At this point, the cooperation between the two of them was officially established.

After Xu Lu said goodbye to Tang Hui, she immediately chased after Lin Xiao and Shan Yue. After circling twice, she finally saw the two of them on a hidden bench in the forest.

Jealousy instantly erupted in her heart. She had never come to such an ambiguous place alone with Brother Lin Xiao. They even specially found a place with almost no one around to sit. Shan Yue clearly wanted to seduce Lin Xiao.

At this moment, Xu Lu recalled that Tang Hui had just said that Shan Yue had an unclear relationship with many men. At the thought of this, Xu Lu confirmed her thoughts even more. Shan Yue was an out-and-out prostitute.