
How could Xu Lu care about her ladylike image right now? She forced herself to stand up on her weak legs. A shout came from her throat. The sharp voice was very ear-piercing, followed by continuous cries for help.

However, it was already early in the morning on campus. Even the small animals living in the school were resting. Who would come to save her? Therefore, even if she shouted until her throat was hoarse, there would not be a prince saving the damsel in distress.

The two lackeys smiled smugly under their masks. Xu Lu's frightened expression happened to achieve their goal, and all of this was recorded by the video. When the matter reached its climax, the two of them prepared to give Xu Lu the last blow.

They stretched out their hands behind them, revealing a bright knife. Under the moonlight, the reflected light flashed across Xu Lu's eyes, completely scaring her.